Latest Tax e-Filing
Published by IRS
September 2021
# | Name | Title | Hours / Wk | Comp ($) |
1 | LLOYD MAY | PRESIDENT | 0 | 0 |
# | Name | Purpose | Location | Amount ($) |
No Grants Listed |
The foundation has indicated it only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds. is a free community project aimed at giving nonprofits unfettered access to a public dataset of Form 990 tax filings published by the IRS. Read more about the project.
The project republishes the IRS dataset, verbatim, focusing exclusively on Form 990 PF, the form most commonly filed by private foundations.
Note that the IRS dataset only contains information from electronically-filed tax returns. Read more about the dataset.
Free profiles for over 109,000 US foundations